Friday, September 18, 2009

As You Like It

In my humanities 202 and English 382 class we had to read William Shakespeare's play, "As You Like It". This past Monday we had the chance to go see the play. In my English 382 class we had to describe the ways a certain scene could be depicted and then analyze the way the scene was depicted. Here are parts of my assignment:

In act one scene two of As You Like It by William Shakespeare there is a conversation-taking place between Celia and Rosalind. Celia is asking her cousin to be happy and not mad at her for her father’s actions of banishing and replacing her father the duke. I thought that this scene could take place in a couple of different ways. One way I imagined is were the girls would be sitting in drawing type room playing cards, lounging on the furniture, or both preoccupied with some sort of project at different areas of the room. Another scenario that could occur is one that takes place outside. Celica and Rosalind could be talking while walking to town, around the town, or just on a walk around the gardens. Another aspect that can be portrayed differently in this scene is how happy Rosalind is portraying herself to be. I picture Rosalind to be pretty happy, and the only Celia can tell is because they our soul mates. I picture Rosalind’s attitude to be very nice and friendly with her strong side coming out in front of those the is close to.

We saw “As you like it” as a group on Monday the 14th of September in the Globe Theater at 7:30pm. What I liked about the play was the way the character Celia was portrayed. Her character was very humorous and edged the crowd on. The actress her played Celia did a very good job of portraying her opinions through her facial expressions.

How act one scene two was portrayed was differently then I imagined it to be presented. I already mentioned how Celia was more humorous than I imagined, which was very well played because it made cheering Rosalind up more believable. Celia playing more of a comedic role this early on portrayed her to be more of a dominant personality then I pictured her as. They presented the scene with Celia almost chasing after to Rosalind in order to talk to her and discuss what had occurred. Rosalind also seemed extremely sad. In the scene she states that she is “happier than she feels”. I took that as she would play up being happy and inside be moping. However, she is moppy on the outside and more depressed than imagined on the inside.

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